TOPONIMIC PROSE, folk works that tell about the origin of geographical names (water bodies, settlements, elements of the relief of the earth's surface, urban or natural territories and plots, streets, squares, markets, buildings, land, water and air routes of communication).
The most expanded genres of T.p. non-fairytale prose works appear. Their main purpose is to explain the origin of geographical objects through the real activity of people or natural factors (toponymic legends) or through the activity of supernatural forces (toponymic legends). The formation of a toponym in these works is often associated with the transformation or change of the geographical object itself. The origin of the same place is told by tales or legends with a similar plot, which differ in a real or mythological hero, etc. There are works that have a humorous form, for example, about the origin of toponyms from various human quirks. A feature of T.p. there is a widespread use of topographic formulas that name the exact place of action (city, village, lake, rock). Events of the past (ancient or historical) are usually described, the story is told in the 3rd person and ends with a toponymic ending, for example, "At that time, that place was called that."
Explanations of geographical names given in no. works, often based on etymologies — explanations of obscure names based on new, non-etymological, meaningful associations that appear as a result of sound similarity between words. T.p. classified according to the explanation of the origin of the toponym: from physical and geographical features of the area, names, events, customs, etc. (V. Sokolova); geographical objects: cities, villages, tracts, rivers, lakes, stones (M. Grynblat, A. Citaviec); main motifs: mythological (giants, metamorphoses, gods, devils), historical (princes, lords, robbers, peasants, heroes), natural and geographical (relief, flora and fauna), everyday life (family, social, production relations) (V .Sokil). Toponymic works are created on the basis of a traditional worldview. Realistic stories about historical, everyday events, which the narrators were not witnesses, show rather the ideas about them. Toponymic works are based on traditional ideas about the supernatural features of many objects (witches' oaks, tailor's stones), about the existence of supernatural beings (for example, very extended places associated with devils, giants, snakes), about petrification of people, animals as a result violation of taboos, about healing, holy water, about the fact that all places have owners (accordingly, very extended explanations of toponyms through the name, surname, profession of the owner), about love. In Belarus, there are sacred places of natural or artificial origin that have similar names, the origin of which is explained by toponymic works with similar plots (for example, several Girl's hill (“Dziavočaja hara”), Chocim`s Lakes, petrified "shafts" and "Ploughman", Church place (“Carkovisca”) - places where they fell into the ground churches).
(The transliteration of names from the Belarusian language is made according to the rules of the Report on the Current Status of United Nations Romanization Systems for Geographical Names. Compiled by the UNGEGN Working Group on Romanization Systems Version 4.0, February 2013 Belarusian
Lit.. Sokolova V. K. Tipy vostočnoslavianskich toponimičjeskich priedanij // Slavianskij foĺklor. – M., 1972; Narodnyja kazki-bajki, apaviadanni i mudrasloŭi / Ukladannie N. S. Hilieviča – Minsk, 1983; Liehiendy i padanni. Mn., 1983; Liaŭkoŭ E.A. Maŭklivyja sviedki minuŭščyny. Mn., 1992; Sokil V. Narodni liehiendy ta pieriekazi ukraí̈nciv Karpat. – Kií̈v, 1995 ; Zajkoŭski E.M., Dučyc L.U. Žyvatvornyja krynicy Bielarusi. Mn, 2001; Liehiendy i padanni Viciebščyny. Viciebsk, 2002. Kuĺtavyja kamiani Bielarusi // 3 hlybi viakoŭ. Naš kraj. 2 vyd. Mn., 2002. [Vyp. 2]; Bielaruski faĺklor: Žanry, vidy, paetyka. Kn. 4. Narodnaja proza. Mn., 2002. Dziavočy pahora
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